13th April

I’ve been interested in exploring narratives using mirrors and reflections, as mirrors are popular symbols in folklore and are often depicted as being a threshold between realms. Similarly, magical transformations often happen at rivers and river banks. 

I wanted to experiment with animatiing both the rough plasticene models and the monkey glove puppet (worn on my hand, and animating that way, which was tricky when also trying to take the photos with the other hand!) in the same scene, though I am currently unsure about the result so far. I’m not sure if it looks too jarring. I think the second scene (the devil whispering to the monkey) is slightly more successful. I tried to make the devil walk in the first video, which didn’t really work as he doesn’t have an armature inside him! Plus you can see my arm in it, which is distracting and I don’t like it!


14th April - Playing with Hair


Finding puppetry spaces