
The Bonobo Kama Sutra
by Daisy Jordan & Ulysses Black, 2019


A zine created in collaboration between myself (Daisy Jordan) and Ulysses Black. The blurb reads: "Here is the world's first mini-tractate on the sexual mores of the bonobo ape. Bonobos are renowned for their sexual freedom, and present a fascinating point of contrast to the testosterone heavy, patriarchal chimpanzee society with which we are more readily familiar. Presented here for the first time are a collection of collage illustrations detailing the sexual conduct observed within bonobo social interactions."

The bonobo is sometimes referred to as a "hippie chimpanzee" (though it is recognised as a species entirely of its own right); their society is matriarchal and generally peaceful, largely because they have replaced aggression with sex.

The zine is a humorous, playful look at the important role sex plays in bonobo society (with fascinating, true facts about bonobos), the creative positions they employ and a reflection on the boundary between ourselves and other animals.

With illustrations by Daisy Jordan
Design by Ulysses Black
Text by both, and inspired by the research of Professor Frans De Waal.
The zine is available to buy from my etsy shop.

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This zine is available from my etsy shop here


"Chimps using Tools" series


Orangutan and Me