Cardboard Sculpture and Collage



Mother Mandrill and Baby 2020

Mother Ape Chased by Devil

Gouache on cardboard


Cardboard and gouache sculpture depicting a piece of medieval folklore about the Satyrus, or ape: “Their nature is such that if a mother bears twins, she will love one and hate the other. If she happens to be persued by hunters, she will clasp the one she loves in front of her and carry the one she hates on her back. But when she is weary of running upright, she willingly drops the one she loves, and unwillingly carries the one she hates on her back.” [Taken from Bestiary]. Sometimes the hunter is depicted as the devil, and the ape represents the sinner. The twin she loves represents the material world and riches, wheras the one she hates represents spirituality and humility. Apes were often associated with devils in the early Middle Ages, or the sinner, as they were seen to “ape” human beings, as the devil was the “ape” of God.

 Running Hare


 Cardboard Demon and Angel Heads


"Capuchins" series


Capuchin watercolours