“The Temptation of Sister Ligarda” - trailer for planned puppet film

Trailer created during Covid19 lockdown from test footage for the work-in-progress puppet film,“The Illuminator” by Devil Monkey Productions (a collaborative company composed of artists Daisy Jordan and Ulysses Black).

The eventual film is yet unmade, but the story will follow the life of a fictional medieval nun, who works as a scribe given an impossible task, and the accidental summoning of a devil, who corrupts her with creativity and offers her a solution: collaboration.

Before long, the fun doodles in the margins of the page begin to take on a life of their own, as Sister Ligarda’s creativity runs amok, testing her devotion and piety, sanity and life’s calling.

This trailer (and, ultimately, the film) features music composed in the 12th Century by Saint Hildegard von Bingen, an abbess, writer, composer, philosopher and general polymath.

Puppets, artwork and performance by Daisy Jordan

Direction, filming and editing by Ulysses Black.


Monkeys and Mirror painting series


"Capuchins" series