Art Residency at AADK Spain

I was selected to be an artist in residence at AADK Spain in Blanca (near Murcia) during April and May 2022. During my residency, I explored ideas surrounding boundaries, thresholds and "the other", with an emphasis on non-human primates. See below for selected photos and videos…

For even more info, please visit my blog, which I created to document my work while there.

 Below: The whole set of animations for the first month at my residency, spent working in Casa Jasmin, a little abandoned peasant house next to Centro Negra (where the residency was run(. Also a video of the completed video installation, wherein the films were projected onto the walls in the house, and in one of the chicken coops.

 Below: Video created as part of installation for the second Open Studio of my residency, plus another video of the live performance, filmed by Kingson Chan.

Original film created by Daisy Jordan 2022

Film by Kingson Chan, of live performance by Daisy Jordan 2022



Marginal Monkeys Painting Series